Sunday, March 11, 2012


What would our yearly trip to Moab be without a stop at the giant sandhill.
And tons and tons of swimming to wash off all that red sand.
This year we decided to give Arches a break and we went to see Dead Horse Point. Those rocks are all there is between my kids and a giant cliff.
All pooped out!!

Random girl but she was giving me a nervous break down. She is laying down on the edge of a 500 ft. cliff looking down. The picture doesn't give how scary this was justice.
My kids and Jesus on the edge of a cliff. AHHHH! Talk about hurry and take the picture and bring my kids back to me. J/K there is another little ledge behind them.

And of course more swimming!! So fun. Can't wait for more Moab adventures next year!!!

Happy Birthday

Monday, September 12, 2011

My Kitchen Makeover!!!


After!!! Thanks to my friend Stacy for coming to the rescue and showing me how to spray paint the cabinet doors like the pro's do it!!!! I painted them black then made them look distressed by adding some stain. Now let's all pray they hold up well. Sorry I had more pics but my computer wouldn't let me download them all for some reason.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Why I love this time of year...

My big brave kindergartener

Second grade

1st day of fourth grade

Friday, June 17, 2011

Kaylee's B-Day

Seven peaks...

Luch at Tucanos...

Last but not least a trip to Build Bear!!!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Summer fun and Day at the Salon...

Finally we had a day in all the rainy weather that was warm enough to get out the swimming pool and swimming suits.

This little girl turns 9 in a few days. She wanted to go to the Salon and get her hair and nails done for her party.

First we decorated bags and filled up at the candy bar. I think they've already had a little too much sugar in this picture. Then off to the salon.

The girls waiting for their turns and picking out hair styles.

Birthday girls before picture.

The after pictute. It was a lot of fun and Kaylee love it!!!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

One down and one more to go...

This picture was just too funny not to go on my other computer and find. Sorry it's a little out of order but this is Carson on his first bus ride ever and how he acted for about a year after. See the bottom picture for his last bus ride!
Lucky Carson got to go to two preschool's this year. He had one for his speech where he got to ride the bus and the other is a cute girl in my ward who does one from her house. He graduated for his speech preschool yesterday. Here he is with Mrs. Jenn. We are going to miss her. He had her two years in a row.

He also got to be in the same class as his favorite cousin Sebatian. They had so much fun riding the bus together.

His last trip on the bus. He has been riding it since he turned 3. I wish I had the picture of when he first started riding the bus on this computer. He has grow up so much since then. I used to dread the bus coming. I would have to chase him around. Then when I finally caught him he would kick scream and cry and take all my energy to help buckle him. I'm so proud of how brave and grownup he has gotten. He just waves and jumps right on. Tessa and I have a little tradition of standing at the door and waving until the bus leaves. Whenever she sees a bus now she has to wave.

This time of year always makes me relieze how big my kids are getting. I'm always a little sad but happy at the same time. I thiunk we are ready to tackle Kindergarten now!!!!