Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Our day at the park

After begging and begging for hours this morning to go play at the park I finally had sometime to go. We were there for five whole minutes when C.J. fell off the monkey bars. At first I did the typical oh you'll be O.K. until I took a good look and saw the bump and how swollen his arm was getting. This kid is my very bravest and hearing how bad he was crying I packed up the kids and rushed to the E.R. After an x-ray the Dr. told us the good and bad news. The good news is it didn't need to be set and it wasn't on the growth plate. The bad news is his wrist is broken in two places and no bike riding, playing in water or riding his 4 wheeler he just barely got. Hopefully it will heal fast and he can have a fun summer.

1 comment:

  1. Poor C.J. I hope he feels better and isn't in too much pain.
